Monday, December 19, 2016

Last Post

Hi bloggers, this is my last post, I cant believe how fast this year was and now Im here writting the last post of this subject, now I will write about my study programme. As you know im studying forestry at the university of chile, im in the second year and there are still three years to study so I dont know that future subjects that I will have in the coming years. For the moment I think that I cursed nice subjects but also there are subjects that are not really related to the career like physics, and the extensive maths that we have, also subjects like "Oratoria" the most BORING subject that I never had in my life, religion in my old school was funniest than this subject, wharever I didnt liked this subject because the matter wasnt really important for myself. Personally I like the subject that are usefull for us, for our knowledge like "Bioticos" in the last year, in that year the subjects were really boring but now the things had changed, now we have subjects that are related to our career like "Procesos e interacción en formaciones vegetales", "Genetica" and others, so as we move along forestry is getting harder. By other way we also have practices in summer to complement our classes in the year and what we learned along the year, so it`s necessary to aprove some subject to get the chance to travel. I think that this practices are okey, but in two weeks we can not practice too much our knowledge, so I hope that in the next year will be more practices along the year

Monday, December 12, 2016

Post 8

Hi Bloggers!, today I`ll  write about the summer that will be here really soon, personally I think that`s already here because the sun is hitting really hard, but I cant enjoy it so much because Im still studying at my university. Whatever as soon as possible I will travel with my bests friends to the north of Chile, also we want to know Perú, specially Machu Pichu, and to finish our loooong travel we want to go to Bañados and Montañitas in Ecuador, as you can see we are going to go really far, so we need a lot of money, but at least for me that is not a problem because I saved money all of the year, also we will try to not spent money on transport and campings, so we will depend a lot of the good people that we will meet in our travel. 
Like I said before Im still at the university and I will end this year with the second practice of my carreer that start in the middle of january, that travel ends at the finish of january in Mallecos wich is the IX Region of Chile, after this "academic travel" I will go to ecuador with 2 of my best friends. maybe 3 and we want to return to Chile in the beggining of march, just when my classes on the university starts again. Who knows, maybe I will get in love with Ecuador and I will never return !

Image result for montañitas

Monday, December 5, 2016

My favorite TV Show

Hi bloggers, now I will write about my favorite TV Show. Personally I dont like to watch TV too much, actually I have a TV in my room but the most part of the time it is off, I only turn it on to see the Premier League matches, and I like too se how Alexis Sanches plays for Arsenal`s team.
Anyway I like to watch series that have a nice plot like Got (Game of Thrones) for example, that`s a nice TV Show that show us the most beautiful landscapes (at least for me), Got is the kind of series that will never let you go, personally I am really obsessed maybe that`s why I got addicted. Saddly I live so far and the internet company that I have in my house is really really bad, so I cant see the serie online, also I cant dowload it because it would take a lot of time, so my sister who lives in Santiago dowload the serie for me and when we met she bring me the serie inside on a pendrive, she`s really nice !

Monday, November 21, 2016

Post 6

At the moment I still have the patience to keep studying, maybe in the coming years I will loose that motivation, whatever, personally I like to learn news things along of my life, It will be never negative for us. The idea of studying outside of my country it would be amazing, I have heard that countries like New Zeland, Germany, Australia and others are really good for studying forestry, in a fact the most of our teachers did their postgraduate studies there. I think that studying outside it is a nice plus to learn also the language and to improve our speech skills wich is essential for a professional on these days. By the way I would like to study about the conservation of the nature, I think that is the most beatiful science on my carreer, because in that way I can help directly the world, also there is a lot of things that are not studied yet like the dynamics of high number of forest, there are thing that are not discovered yet and they are waiting for us, I hope that someday I would be able to have the enough experience to work in beatiful jobs maybe in another countries, not only in Chile. And to reach that dream it would be really important to take the right subjects and also to meet the right people around the world

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Post 5

Actually I am studying in the second year of forestry, I like my carrer too much but I still dont know what Im going to do at the moment when I leave the university, maybe I will enter to study a master if I dont repeat any subject so I will be really young when I leave the carreer and if this happen I would choose something about the conservation of the nature. Now talking about a job and not about the study I would like to work in the outdoor, I`had never liked indoor works, at the future it would be amazing to work in the middle of a forest and to travel along of Chile and the rest of the world !. I would be really sad if someday I need to work at the office, personally I think that`s really boring and lazy for the human body. Since when I was a kid I always liked to travel and to know new places and also the magic that every beautiful place have, sometimes it`s hard to find and sometimes it`s really easy, it all depends of yourself. So I think that forestry give us a plus to know new places, I think that we can see somethings that not every people can see in the nature and that is really nice !

Monday, October 24, 2016

Post 2: The Best Concert I've ever seen

Along of my life I didnt assist to many concerts, but i can remember most of them and all of them were gorgeous. The best one was in the earliest 2016 at the south of Chile, "Los Jaivas" played a beautiful concert at the Quellon festival, yes! in Quellon the southest city of Chiloe, there was really cold and near the beach where we camped with two good friends. In the concert they played a lot of well know songs like "todos juntos" or my favorite one "mambo de machaguay", the people was really motivated and also they were protesting with some beatiful flags about the bridge that will connect the continent with the big island and anothers important problems. The festival was really nice, there I listening a bit of Anita tijoux because i arrived late, also i drinked the most powerful terremeto that I´ve never tasted in my life before, the people there drinked too much !.  Before the festival we left the tent in the beach and the people started to come to the to keep the party on.

  Image result for los jaivas quellon


Monday, October 17, 2016

Post 1: A country I would like to visit

Hello bloggers!, I didnt write in a lot of time and in this post Im going to talk about a country that I would like to visit, I love to travell and I woud like to travel really far from Chile, in this case maybe Islandia, why that "maybe"?, because I have a lot of favorite countries not only one. So why Islandia?, Because is the biggest island of the world and its really,beautiful and cold, also in this country was recorded some chapters of the well know serie wich is called Game of Thrones. I would like to go through the country and to meet a lot of beautiful places like the glacier of Eyjafjallajökull and the colds forests. Also to know their beautiful cities like the capital Reykjavík wich is the longest city in the country. In Iceland I would like to study something related to the ecosystem of there, they have a small number of species for flora and fauna cause an interesting evolution theory. I hope that someday I will go, cya!.

Image result for iceland

Monday, September 26, 2016

INTRODUCTION to english B1+

Hello bloggers, my name is Matias Fuenzalida, im studying Forestry at the Universidad de Chile, currently I am 20 years old and I am doing the second year of my carreer. I think that english b1+ it is the hardest one because it is the last english subject of my carreer. Personally I think that I need to learn more about vocabulary, also I need to improve my  oral English and the modulation of these words.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Hi bloggers, in this post I will write about animals, specially the animals that can be pets. I remember my first dog when I was very very young, it was when i lived at the south of Chile in Puerto Varas, there I had a little cocker, he was really restless like I was, so together we did a lot of antics, later in this same time my parents told me that he runed away and he got lost, but a years ago my parents told me the truth to my two sisters and me, they told us that they found him hitted by a car... that makes me really sad. Nowadays I have two dogs and I would like to have a cat but my mother hates them, but he loves our dogs. My older dog is called Otto he is a small black dachshund and my youngest dog is called Luna, I putted this name to her because when I known her the moon was full and beautiful, she is the cutest stray dog, my sister that dont live with us adopted her and bring Luna to us, my mother didnt like her but with the time she started to be her favorite dog, she is a very very loving dog. My dogs are really happy, they have a lot of space to play ann many things to do. I hope that they will never leave me.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Blog Experience

Hi bloggers, so finally this is my last post! and I will write about my experience with english subject in this semester. Personally I think that english lessons were very good because I remember and learned a lot of new vocabulary and also I improved mi listening and speaking skills, but in a future I would like to learn more about forestry and technical vocabulary, because in the future I will need this knowledge so much because the memories, tesis, scientific magazines and others are all in english and these articles are really important for us as an forestry engineer from Chile. About the posts in my semester I think that they were very good to improve our writing skills, also I learned vocabulary and I known more about my friends!, Posts were a good way to improve our writing skills because we choose all of the themes that we writed in english and that make to search the required vocabulary, also I get better about the time that I spent writing in every lessons of the wednesday because I improved my flow with the english words. So this is my last post, good bye to everyone who reads my posts and laughed with my bad english, good luck to this end of semester!.

My carreer have differents subject in every semester, except for the first year because in this year we had annual subjects so it was easier to aprobe them, because we had more time and options to aprobe the subjects. In this semester I have seven different subjects, they are: Increase and development of trees, Bases statistics and informaticas I, Soccer (Carreer Team), Structure and functioning of the ecosystem, Products and services from forests, Math II and English b1. Obviously Soccer is my favorite subjetc because I like to play soccer and to do excercise, also I dont have to study to this subject. I like the other subjects too like Increase and development of trees, I think that this subject is really good because is focused on the science of  trees but is also very difficult (at least for me), so you have to be organized and to study so much for approve it. By other way I dont like Maths and Statistics so much but they are a less easier for me because this subjects are so mechanicals so I dont have to study so much, but I have to do a lot of excercises for understand. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Claude gay was a French botanist, naturalist and ilustrator. He started studying medicine but he left for the idea to become a researcher in natural history. He went to Chile to teach physics and natural history at a college in Santiago in 1828, but in 1829 he accepted the position as researcher for the chile governement to carry out a scientific survey wich consist in the analysis of the flora, fauna, geology and geography and an  official  sign of some of them. Also he studied the islands of "Juan Fernandez", a place that now is considered like one of the best Hot Spots of vegetation and fauna in the world.
Chile conferred the Chilean nationality to him, and his work was published by the Chilean government between 1844 and 1871. I admire him because he was one of the firsts and the best investigator of the Chile`s vegetation and now im studyind something that he started a lot of years ago, so in some way I think that we all are in gratitude to him.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Hi everyone, in this post I will write about music, I think that I started to listen music when I was very young. I think that we all started hearing music from the old movies like The Lion King, Toy Story, Mulan, Tarzan and a lot of other movies, they had a really good soundtrack and i still remember some of them, but with the time my tastes for the music had changed like every in the life, so when I grow up I started to get interested in differents styles of music like rock, alternative rock, rap and even electronic music from Daft Punk I think that they are really good specially their old albums from te 90`s. Actually at my almost twenty years old I like to hear more about Rap like Lil Supa, CHR and many many others, also i like to hear rock, this type of music have a really long history and a lot of good artists, but my favorite one is Rage against the Machine. In other way I like Incubus because their tipe of alternative rock is really good :).

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Hi everyone, i think that the photographs are really nice, nowadays pictures are essential for us because they are very useful, with the pictures we can remember a lot of many thing that we maybe forgot, also pothograps can be useful to record our past, i mean decade´s ago, in addition pictures are useful for working and the studying. Personally i have a lot of good pictures with my family and friends, also one of my good friends is studying photography. I like the pictures of  landscapes around the world too, they are fantastic because these pictures can motive you to travel far far away!. My last favorite photo was taken with all of my friends in the birthday of one of them, it was a really funny night and i cant remember who takes it. I hope that in my future i will have a lot of  pictures with my family, friends and many landscapes!.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Hi bloggers I`ll speak about food this time. I love to eat food, I think that eat food it`s one of the best pleasures of the world, because we all like to eat and to please our hungry. Personally I love the Italian food, also I like meat, but I think it`s bad, because I believe in a vegan future, but sadly the temptation is always too much for me and I dont like vegetables so much so it gets hard.
I love my mother`s food, she is a very good cooker!, but she dont like the Italian food as I do, so sometimes I cook raviolis for me and my father, Im a good cooker for pastas!. Personally I dislike shellfish food, I think this food have an strange flavour so i never eat this type of food, but i like the fish food specially the pink salmon it´s very good !.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Hi bloggers!.
Personally I like technology and innovation so much. I grew up with the technology, so that`s why I like it. Nowadays technology`s necessary for us, our generation can`t live without a computer and internet, because we need to work, study and entertaint ourselves by watching series, and doing other things. Personally my favorite piece of technology is my laptop computer, because allow me to play videogames,study, watch tv series, read important news and a lot of another things that my laptop computer and internet can give  me. I had got my laptot two years ago, it was my father`s gift in that christmas. Now im in the university and i really need my laptop computer because I have a lot of works to do and also I need to study so much, I think that internet is so important for study, because it complements our signatures with a lot of information.
Well this is favorite my favorite piece of technology, I hope that you liked it.! :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Hi friends:
When I was in the primary school I always wanted to be a professional soccer player, I very much liked to play soccer  with all of my friends in the streets or the squares, even in the school. We all know that it's so difficult to be a professional soccer player, so with the time as i was getting older , I forgot that idea. When I was in the Secondary school i didnt know what to study, and i never worried about that, i was just interested in my school, friends, family and another things, but when i was in the 3rd grade of secondary I realized that I would never work in an office watching a PC all day, then when i was in my last grade of the school i started to get interested in the ecology, threes and the plants, I wanted to read them and also I wanted to know about agronomic techniques for personal reasons, so I started to search about carrers about this, with the time I found forestry and I investigate about this carreer, finally I liked the subjects that i found in internet and I postulate to this carreer in the Universidad de Chile in 2015, i got accepted and now I`m here writting this blog :). Have a good week!.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Post 1: My autobiography

Hello friends, my name is Matias Fuenzalida i was born in 15th of june in 1996 Santiago, im the youngest of the family (except for my dog, otto), i have two older sisters, no one of they lives with me, i only live with my mom and dad so faaaar. My eldest sister is an architect and the other one is still studing nutrition. I studied my primary and secondary in the same school wich is in La Florida. In La Florida i have all of my friends and i see them every weekend and we play a lot of baby soccer, we are a great team. Now im in the second year of forestry at the University of Chile in santiago, i like my career and i had make a lot of good friends.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Hello everyone mi name is Matias Fuenzalida, im nineteen and i study Forestry at the University of Chile in Santiago.
In my free time i like with all of my friends and play baby soccer with them, also when i am at home i like to watch tv series or movies and listen good music. I have interest about the entire world, i want to travel and know a lot of places like China, Europe, Africa and many other places.