Last Post
Hi bloggers, this is my last post, I cant believe how fast this year was and now Im here writting the last post of this subject, now I will write about my study programme. As you know im studying forestry at the university of chile, im in the second year and there are still three years to study so I dont know that future subjects that I will have in the coming years. For the moment I think that I cursed nice subjects but also there are subjects that are not really related to the career like physics, and the extensive maths that we have, also subjects like "Oratoria" the most BORING subject that I never had in my life, religion in my old school was funniest than this subject, wharever I didnt liked this subject because the matter wasnt really important for myself. Personally I like the subject that are usefull for us, for our knowledge like "Bioticos" in the last year, in that year the subjects were really boring but now the things had changed, now we have subjects that are related to our career like "Procesos e interacción en formaciones vegetales", "Genetica" and others, so as we move along forestry is getting harder. By other way we also have practices in summer to complement our classes in the year and what we learned along the year, so it`s necessary to aprove some subject to get the chance to travel. I think that this practices are okey, but in two weeks we can not practice too much our knowledge, so I hope that in the next year will be more practices along the year