Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Claude gay was a French botanist, naturalist and ilustrator. He started studying medicine but he left for the idea to become a researcher in natural history. He went to Chile to teach physics and natural history at a college in Santiago in 1828, but in 1829 he accepted the position as researcher for the chile governement to carry out a scientific survey wich consist in the analysis of the flora, fauna, geology and geography and an  official  sign of some of them. Also he studied the islands of "Juan Fernandez", a place that now is considered like one of the best Hot Spots of vegetation and fauna in the world.
Chile conferred the Chilean nationality to him, and his work was published by the Chilean government between 1844 and 1871. I admire him because he was one of the firsts and the best investigator of the Chile`s vegetation and now im studyind something that he started a lot of years ago, so in some way I think that we all are in gratitude to him.